Social media marketing can be a great way to promote your business or brand, but if you’re not careful, it can also end up costing you time and money without delivering any results. Here are six reasons why social media marketing Melbourne is important for your business and how to do it right. Use the advice in this article to get the most out of social media so that it helps you, not hurts you.
Build Brand Awareness
The first and by far one of the most important reasons social media marketing Melbourne is so important to a business is that it helps build brand awareness. It’s estimated that, on average, a company has just seven seconds to capture their customer’s attention before they decide whether or not to continue watching your video or scrolling down your page. While some customers might be familiar with your brand, social media marketing helps attract new potential customers and inform those already acquainted with you about what services you offer and how to find you.

Generate Leads
It’s important to note that Social Media marketing can generate leads, and I mean many of them. You can easily receive up to five times more leads from Social media than from other sources such as PPC or SEO – let alone you’ll likely spend way less money doing it. In addition, these new fans/followers are often more interested in what you have to offer since they’ve opted-in to your updates versus having your content show up in a Google search results page where they could have seen it anyway. Regardless of how you look at it, your goal should be increasing sales, and if we’re talking in terms of ROI (return on investment), getting more Facebook Likes or followers on Twitter is probably one of the best investments you can make!
Nurture Leads
No matter what business you’re in, social media is a great way to nurture leads from customers and prospects alike who may not be ready to buy from you now but will become buyers at some point in time. Over 60% of US adults use Facebook weekly, but more than 80% of people like a company on Facebook have never purchased anything from that company! How do you take advantage of those people? Nurture them via your Social Media channels!
Implement Social Listening
Social media marketing Melbourne comes into its own when you get involved in social listening. Social media analysis through tools like Google Alerts gives you a picture of what your brand, service, or industry are being discussed on different social networks, blogs, and forums across various locations around the web. You can use it to find out what people are saying about your competitors and potential customers, too – perfect for competitive intelligence and research purposes. By keeping track of these conversations, you’re able to respond quickly to new developments, trends, and concerns before they go viral (or pick up on opportunities where you may be able to join in on existing discussions). You’ll also be aware of any new initiatives by customers or competitors that might impact your strategy or plans.
Build Brand Authenticity
For both B2B and B2C brands, establishing trust and authority in your Social Media Marketing campaigns has never been more important than it is now. If a prospect doesn’t trust you, if they think you’re trying to sell them something on every post, then you’ve probably lost them already; but social media can help. When prospects see people like themselves talking about how much they love your product or service, that can build loyalty in ways previously only dreamed of by traditional marketers. It’s cheaper than traditional media and more powerful at the same time! That’s why Social Media Marketing matters so much!