It’s time to stop beating yourself up because you haven’t done anything productive during our never-ending pandemic. Sometimes, you don’t need anything at all. People like to make things with their hands sometimes. This guide is about how to build a PC from scratch.
Building a gaming PC is one of the best things you can do for your technology. Smartphones last less time and have less power than high-quality gaming rigs. Even the most powerful streaming box isn’t as powerful as a high-quality gaming rig. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing documents, editing video, or playing the newest and best games: a gaming PC is the best tool for the job. The systems could last for five years if they are kept up to date. If they are always updated, they could last for ten years.
Still, it can be hard to build a cheap Gaming PC under $500, especially for people who aren’t used to it. Before I built my first PC, even these guides were a little intimidating. So lets start building.
The Main Parts
You’ll need at least seven parts to build a gaming PC:
The graphics card, or GPU, is one of the most important parts of a gaming rig. The GPU (graphics processing unit) renders images from your computer and puts them on your screen. More powerful GPUs make games look and work better in terms of graphics and settings.
The CPU, or “central processing unit“, is what makes your computer work. It is more important than any other part. It is the CPU that moves instructions from one part of your computer to another part of your computer. The better the processor is, the faster it can send information for both software and hardware.
This is where all the hardware in your computer lives. The most important thing about a motherboard is that it will work with the parts you choose. But some motherboards also have built-in graphics cards, Wi-Fi systems, and more.
RAM, or “random access memory“, determines how much data your computer can process at any given time. RAM is where your computer stores information that it needs to get to right away. The more RAM your computer has, the more quickly it can process a lot of information, which is good for work and important for games.
Storage, such as an SSD or HDD: Solid state drives (SSDs) and hard disk drives (HDDs) are the two main types of PC storage (HDDs). It’s where your files go when they’re not being used. If you have a bigger hard drive, you’ll have more space to store things like files, games, and so on.
The power supply is the least interesting and most important piece of the PC puzzle. It gets electricity from an outlet and sends it to different parts of your computer. Choose the right one, and you may not have to think about it again.
Case: Most of the time, the case of your computer is just for looks, but some models have fans that help keep the computer cool. Open-air building isn’t the best way to keep dust out and components safe. A case is probably the best way to keep that.
Anything else, like extra cooling systems or extra hard drives, is nice to have, but not necessary. When you start with a lot of hardware, these are the things you need to make it work.
How to Buy The Parts?
Make sure you buy things from well-known brands, like Corsair and HyperX. You might be able to save a lot of money if you buy storage, RAM, or power supplies that aren’t made by well-known brands. It’s hard to predict the quality of devices, and customer service isn’t very good for small brands.