Students taking online exam help is however ok but cheating in exams is a crime. Final exams and cumulative assessments are frequently given at the end of the academic year to assess students’ understanding of course materials.
Online courses are used by 30% of college students (Allen & Segman, 2017). With that number rapidly growing, the requirement for conducting tests inside the virtual learning environment will grow as well. Because of the risk of jeopardizing academic integrity, many teachers are cautious to include tests in their online courses.
Virtual live proctoring solutions, on the other hand, maybe prohibitively expensive. Not included in the instructor’s institution’s distant learning infrastructure. Furthermore, having students taking exams under the supervision of an online facilitator may hurt exam achievement (Lieberman, 2018).
Even without the use of pricey virtual proctoring software, instructors can use the built-in features of their institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) to reduce cheating during online exams. Here are ten suggestions:
Create Questions Based on The Topic Understanding:
Make questions that necessitate higher-order reasoning. Create questions on the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation levels. Instead of having students react to queries that can be answered with a quick web search. Or even by looking up the answers in their textbooks (Bloom, 1956). When the questions force students to explain, analyze, infer, create, compose, assess, and truly exhibit their mastery of the course subject. It will be more difficult to ask a buddy or Google the answer.
Subjective Question format:
Use a variety of question formats. Avoid exams that are entirely multiple-choice or true-false. Instead, incorporate open-ended questions. Students would be pushed to justify their answers using detailed information and supporting written statements that are specific to their comprehension of the course materials, as it is more difficult for them to offer the same response as their peers verbatim for open-ended questions.
Set Guidelines And Boundaries:
Warn students of academic integrity guidelines in a creative way. Create and post a video describing the criteria for the online exam, as well as examine the academic integrity policy and repercussions outlined in the course syllabus. Students may experience certain psychological effects from seeing and listening to their teacher address academic integrity just before an exam, which may prevent students who were considering cheating.
The Integrity Contract:
Students should be required to sign an academic integrity contract. After seeing the video about academic integrity, let students digitally sign a contract outlining what the university deems cheating. Provide a link to the university’s academic integrity policy on the website, and need a signed contract before starting the exam. To execute the contract, you can use a free tool within the LMS, such as a polling or surveying feature, or even have the students sign, scan, and upload the agreement as an assignment before the exam.
Restrict The Time Limits:
Set a time limit for testing. Create online final examinations in the same way that on-campus exams have a defined testing period for each course. Allow each student to begin the exam at about the same time and control the time they have to complete it. Consider delivering 3 pairs of tests at three separate start times if you do have students from different time zones.
Even if the online exam would be “open book” by default since no one will be invigilating the students take the exam, it is critical to allow just enough time for a student who knows the knowledge to be productive on the exam, without giving students who may not have prepared for the exam too much time to search for answers. Make sure that students who have been accepted for testing accommodations have personalized, extended timing settings.
One Question At A Time:
Set up the exam so that just one question is displayed at a time. Choose the test set that only enables one question to display on the screen at a time to stop students from quickly going through all of the exam questions and having many tabs open to search responses to questions, or perhaps even having friends and family members responsible for a specific set of questions.
Technical Issue Plan:
Make a contingency plan for technical difficulties. Offer students the opportunity of becoming acquainted with the online testing capabilities by giving them a practice exam with several questions that aren’t related to the actual examination. This will also help students who are unfamiliar with online exam technologies in the future.
Also, use the test options to have the exam automatically finish when the student leaves or the timer runs out. If a student’s computer crashes, you can go into the test seeing the questions they’ve already responded to, and if you can just let them finish the exam, they can pick up where they left off and finish in the time they have left.
Score Availability With A Delay:
Set a date for students to get their scores and comments after the exam window closes. Thus do not make the result available for quick viewing once the exam is completed. This way, a student who completes the test early will not be able to view it. Their result and will not be able to guide students who have not yet taken the test. You may need to restrict a column in the grading center for students. Not seeing their results and test questions, depending on your LMS.
Different Versions:
Different versions of the same test should be available. Although it was previously mentioned that different sets of tests should be used for students in multiple time zones. It is normally advised to have multiple variations of the very same test. So that students taking exams in the same workspace are less likely to get all of the same questions.
Single Attempt Only:
Allow for only one attempt at the test. A final test completed on campus is rarely retaken, and the same should be true for exams done online.
Wrapping up!
Instructors may have to approach online assessments differently than they would in traditional brick. And mortar teaching and learning (Fontanillas et. al., 2016). But they can get some of the ideas here to effectively shield their online exams. Establish academic honesty while also being able to assess their students’ overall course learning. Teachers can still allow students to get an assignment or dissertation help UK online and prevent copy-pasting culture.